Introduction: Triumphant Love Has Saved All !

Posted by Saturday, November 3, 2012

The all encompassing love of the omnipotent God , sent His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to rescue mankind from the ravages of sin. This powerful love has been perverted by religion's dogmas, to become no more than an inept attempt on God's part to save Adam's race.

According to Christendom, God must settle for the rescue of a handful of the vast billions of His creation from Satan's clutches. The rest, according to this creed, will be tortured perpetually by God in eternal fire, without hope of rescue. We are assured by the clergy, that God, Who is Love, will never forgive any of these condemned, because His holiness will not allow it.

Scripture plainly teaches us that God's motivation to save mankind was Self giving love. This is the overriding message of God's Book to man. However that magnificent love has been greatly reduced by the doctrine of eternal torture in "hell" to any that do not accept that love from God in their short days on earth.

 The following articles refute religion's perverted view of The Almighty's love, desire, ability, and triumph in His goal to save all of His rebellious creatures. I invite you to take a look at these articles on this blog that go into further detail about these topics.

Most of what is believed about the destiny of the lost of humanity comes from the mistranslation of key Hebrew and Greek words, particularly: 'Olam', 'Aion', 'Gehenna', and 'Hades'. These blunders by the translators, (especially the KJV), have led Christendom down a long, dark road of error and a false perception of our Creator.

However there are several passages, mainly from the pen of the apostle Paul, that clearly teach universal salvation. This rescue of God's creation was secured through the blood of The Son of God. Many of these passages have long been ignored or explained away by denominational churches. I firmly believe that most believers in Jesus Christ have been conditioned from false teaching on the topic of eternal punishment, to have a grossly inaccurate view of the God of their salvation.

Feel free to comment on these articles, and I will try my best to follow-up in a timely manner.  I realize I do not have all the answers, but I will rely on the Scriptures to present my views on these all-important issues. It is God's Spirit alone that can reveal His Truth to the sincere truth seeker. I believe that the biblical principle found in Proverbs 2:1-5 expresses it best: 

"My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God."


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